Saturday, May 24, 2014

~ Spend A Nice Weekend With Friends From North ~

Yes, I know I'm super SLOW cuz it's been a LONG while that my friends made their visit to Singapore and only till now then I blog about it. Really didn't have any spare time to update my blog despite of my super busy works that caused me to OT like everyday? And been going out these few weekends, so yeah, that's why I don't have time to blog. *sob sob* Hopefully after this I will have more time to update you guys more, hehe. xD

Actually I've got to know that Alexis and the rest (Jenice, Sookyann, Sookyann's sis and Anthony) will be coming down to Singapore on Saturday as she already told me before hand. So I asked some of my friends to come out and be their "tour guide" of the day, haha. =P

Photo credits to Sook Yann's sis, super love this shot! =)

Our first destination was the Singapore's most famous tourist attraction - Sentosa. And no, we do not go there for the universal studio but just went there to take some pictures only, haha. xD Here are a few photos that were taken in Sentosa. =)

Saturday, May 10, 2014

~ 听见你的声音 너의 목소리가 들려 I Can Hear Your Voice ~

看完了,看完了!啊~~~~ 好难接受啊!为什么这部剧只有18集而已?xD 应该长一点才是啊~ 那么我就可以多看多帅哥李钟硕几眼(应该不止几眼吧,哈哈!=P) 好啦,好象越扯越远了,不好意思!>.< 我真的、真的觉得这部戏非常,十分,绝对好看!(又在滥用辅助词了!xD) 我是真心的觉得这部剧非常值得一看,绝对不是,不只是因为李钟硕,也因为蛮有创意的剧情和构思,所以才觉得好看的,嘻嘻~ xD

对对对,我也懂这是一部蛮久以前的戏,没有办法啦,实在是很难抽空出来好好地把手头上的戏追完,一个list这么长咧,lol. *叹气* 不过,我是看完了最近超火红的"来自星星的你",才开始看这一部的,可是我却用更快的速度看完这一部戏,因为真的很紧张!!>.<