Sunday, January 11, 2015

~ Another Year Has Passed, Let's Welcome Year 2015! ~

Sometimes it's really hard to believe that a year had actually passed and another year has arrived. A new year means it's time to set ourselves a set of new resolutions right? Haha, as for me, I'm not so sure about that, yet.

It's not that I don't want a new resolutions, but I want to really reflect on my year 2014, looked back at the old resolutions that I set for myself last year and figured out what works out and what didn't. My bestie Alexis send me something regarding setting a resolutions, always remember the SMART principle. =)

What is SMART principle? It's Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely. =) Which is something very similar to what I read from Michelle Phan's post : 3 Ways To Actually Stick To Your Resolutions. It was indeed a good post so do check it out! =)

Before I did a post on my resolutions for year 2015 and reflect on the old resolutions on year 2014, here's a simple look back to a few favourite moment on my year 2014! =)

1. Had a memorable and fun trip to Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam (And it's with my bestie, Alexis! And Connie and Keinth)

2. My family came over to Singapore for a short trip, hehe~ 

3. Attended book signing sessions twice and get to meet with my favourite authors - Owen Yap (叶剑峰) and 女王 ! xD

4. Went to the Halloween Night at Universal Studio Singapore! Like a finally, haha! 

5. Graduation of my both besties, Alexis and Shing! Wells, I know that it's not me who graduate but they are my bffs, so they big moments meant a lot to me, haha! It's kinda sad that I was unable to attend neither of their graduation ceremony, but is the heart that counts right? xD

There were actually more favourite and memorable moments throughout the whole year but here's just a few which I considered as the big one for the year 2014. =) I wanna say a big THANK YOU to all those who's been with me, those memories were undeniably great! I truly believe that the coming year will be even better! Looking forward to it! =)

                                             *IT'S GONNA BE AWESOME!!*

Till then, annyeong! Xoxo, Phoebe. :)

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